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Welcome to the Case Histories page of PROCOR CHEMICALS. Here, we showcase the success stories and real-world applications of our innovative chemical solutions. These case histories provide detailed insights into how our products and services have addressed complex challenges, delivered measurable results, and added significant value to our clients’ operations.
Date: 06/25/2024
Operator: Auterra Operating
Well: Tinsley Lester AW 1H
Field: Eagleville
Parish/County: Gonzales County Texas
Challenge: Operator experienced fluid losses drilling the lateral section.
Solutions: Pumped more aggressive PRO V+ / PRO X sweeps , Pumping 30ppb sweeps (15ppb PRO V and 15ppb PRO X) every 100ft drilled until losses were controlled. Also carried on location PRO V+, PRO X, SB SuperCeal, PRO Sweep Aid, PRO TightCeal/M products to apply as needed.
Results: Minimized fluid losses and TD the well on a 2-well pad and successfully cemented production casing. Also pumped a 30ppb PV/PX Pre-Cement Spacer to ensure a good cement job.
Date: 6/19/23
Operator: Texakoma E&P
Rig: United Energy 2
Well: W. McMordie 127-2
Field: ST. Clair (Granite Wash)
County: Roberts County, TX
Operator experiencing total fluid losses while drilling in the granite wash. Casing shoe @ 5,607’ and total depth of the well being 7,621’ (2,014’ OH).
Solutions: Product Recommendations
Operator requested 100bbl of product to cure extreme fluid losses. PROCOR recommended 3 high
fluid loss products, PRO V+, PRO X, PRO HG.
Results: Mixed pill and pumped and displaced to shoe then allowed LCM Pill to sit for 24 hours after which
they broke circulation and had complete returns , circulated and conditioned the mud then
continued drilling new hole, after drilling 17’ had losses once again. Anticipating mixing another
pill but began seeing returns . Circulated and conditioned mud again then were able to continue
drilling with minimal losses to total depth of well.
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