Call: 866.960.1326
P.O. Box 81356, Lafayette, LA 70598

P.O. Box 81356, Lafayette, LA 70598

About us

Our success is measured in your savings.

Industry-Leading Specialty Downhole Chemicals

for wellbore instability and lost circulation challenges

Don’t limit your well with inferior products. Our specialty downhole chemical products for the oil and gas industry are unrivaled in terms of quality and availability. PROCOR CHEMICALS combines a team of professionals with deep customer knowledge, superior engineering and innovative products.  

Each of our Operations/Engineering employees have over 20 years experience and knowledge specifically in mud/down hole wellborn issues.

This gives a total of over 120 years in product development, simulation well testing, wellborn stability issues, understanding of formations/geology and correct products needed to solve issues in specific formations, mud engineering and specific product applications.

Our line of LCM products are designed off of each other and built off of pozzolanics chemistry.

Pozzolanics are the binding agents which allows the products to form a seal/bond which gives our products a better base sealing capability. Most LCM products are bult off of solid blends and PSD, specific blending and PSC are only a small part of building the perfect LCM products. If the blend and PSD have no binder, there are still micro-channels that form throughout and remain permeable not completing the seal. All of our binding agents are proprietary.

Our 2 most Aggressive LCM/Squeeze product are the only high fluid loss/high solids products ion the industry that are acid soluble.

All other squeeze products claiming to be acid soluble are polymer based. Polymer based products DO NOT have the ability to completely attach themselves to a formation or build compressive strength which we believe is most important in completion the plugging and sealing process. This is key in preventing the washing away of the seal formed which is what occurs in polymer based products. You have to have solids to fill, attach and build compressive strength.

Mixability and Compatability in all type fluids.

Our products were designed to be able to mix in any type fluid (diesel oil, synthetic oil, water, seawater, Chloride, bromide, zinc, etc.). All of your fibers used have a 10% moisture content which prevents the absorption of free fluid as most fibrous products do especially in oil muds with low water content. Of all the high solids products on the market when mixed in any combination your products can be mixed in HALF the time of all the other products out there.
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